Size: Up to 12 inches tall Light: Bright to low, indirect light Watering: Water when the soil feels dry to the touch. Avoid getting water droplets on the leaves (which will damage them); place the pot in a shallow dish filled with about an inch of water for 30 minutes so the roots can soak up water from the bottom. Size: Up to 20 inches tall Light: Bright, indirect light Watering: Water when the soil is dry to the touch (Anthurium doesn’t like consistently moist soil) Size: Up to 18 inches Light: Bright, indirect light Watering: Water when the soil feels dry to the touch. Avoid getting water droplets on the leaves (which will damage them). Place the pot in a shallow dish filled with about an inch of water for 30 minutes so the roots can soak up water from the bottom. Size: About 3 feet Light: Medium to bright light Watering: Pour a small amount of water into the cup-shaped leaves in the center of the plant to keep it moist. Empty the water weekly and refill to prevent it from becoming stagnant. Size: Up to 3 feet tall Light: Bright, indirect light Watering: Keep consistently moist while the plant is in bloom, then let it dry out as the plant dies to encourage new growth. Size: Up to 3 feet tall Light: Bright, indirect light Watering: Water deeply to keep the soil a little moist between waterings. Let your plant dry slightly before giving it another drink. Size: 18 to 24 inches Light: Bright, indirect light Watering: Keep the soil slightly moist during the summer, then let it dry out somewhat between waterings in the winter. Size: Can grow up to 8 feet outdoors but are commonly up to 3 feet indoors. Light: Place in a spot with at least half a day of direct sunlight. Watering: Water when the soil is dry to the touch. Size: Up to 20 inches tall Light: Medium light Watering: Keep the soil evenly moist Size: Up to 1 foot indoors Light: Low to bright light Watering: Water once a week or so, just before it feels completely dry to the touch Size: Up to 3 feet Light: Bright to low, indirect light Watering: Let the soil dry out between waterings.