Entertainment Upgrades

Smart Vent Systems

If you tend to wake up in the middle of the night because it’s too cold or hot, consider a smart ventilation system. A climate control system adds both comfort and luxury, not to mention many restored hours of precious sleep and relaxation. Equipped with sensors that monitor the temperature of each room of your home, these systems automatically regulate the temperature in each space according to the settings you establish. Some can even measure the temperature outside and adapt to weather changes. Better still, these systems can work with air filtration systems that can cleanse CO2 and other particles while offering increased or reduced ventilation based on how many people are in the room. Unlike other systems that you must remember to set on a physical panel, these can be controlled by an app on your phone, so there’s no need to worry if you forgot to turn off the air conditioner before you left for vacation.

Leak Detection

One thing that keeps homeowners up at night is the fear of water leakage. A slow drip can trickle for a long time before becoming a major problem. For less than $1,000, you can purchase a Wi-Fi water sensor or water shutoff control that prevents the unthinkable. These small devices, such as Flo by Moen, identify leakage right away and alert you to close the water supply if required. While these systems don’t fix the leak itself, they buy you time to have a plumber come out for pipe repairs rather than needing to hire a major cleanup crew to replace damaged furniture, appliances, and potential mold associated with flooding. All year long, these leak detection systems also help decrease water waste and save money on your utility bill. Some even provide real-time data on water quality. More advanced water management systems can even facilitate recycling water—a major environmental win.

Lighting and Window Treatments

Smart lighting is one of the best home automation features. This entails more than just switching the lights on or off. A smart lighting system lets you automate mood lighting. You can alter the color and brightness to suit your needs. For people who suffer from mood disorders, automated sun lamps can be a game-changer. Additionally, lighting controls can be integrated with window treatments. A smart lighting system can raise or lower electric blinds according to the time of day or sunlight outside. The same goes for dimmers. Sensors can detect your presence or absence to control the ambient lighting in each room, so you can save on energy bills and ensure optimal illumination in every corner of your home.

Security Solutions

Traditionally, home security systems report break-ins or disasters to the nearest emergency first responder. Smart security systems do much more. Long-life battery systems, like the one from Blink, can last up to two years and track indoor, outdoor, and doorbell activity. New smart security systems are ideal for homes with exposed porches, where inclement weather could ruin traditional camera systems, and vacation homes that are vacant for long stretches. These intelligent systems work to prevent crime, not just report it. Some use facial recognition to separate guests from strangers. Vivint’s new Spotlight Pro attachment shines a spotlight on anyone lurking on your property. The light follows people and can escalate dramatic effects to deter potential thieves. Whether you want to watch the kids playing in the backyard or identify the people who keep stealing packages off your stoop, smart security systems are a must-have for modern families.