Name: Juniperus scopulorum ‘Tolleson’s Blue Weeping’ Size: To 20 feet tall and 10 feet wide Growing Conditions: Full sun and well-drained soil; the plant is very drought tolerant. Zones: 4-7 Native to North America: Yes

Learn more about junipers.

Name: Fagus sylvatica ‘Purple Fountain’ Size: To 30 feet tall and 15 feet wide; very slow growing Growing Conditions: Full sun or part shade and moist, well-drained soil Zones: 5-7 Native to North America: No

Learn more about beeches.

It features shiny green leaves and pendulous branches that can reach the ground. Name: Morus alba ‘Chaparral’ Size: To 10 feet tall and 12 feet wide Growing Conditions: Full sun and well-drained soil; the plant is drought tolerant. Zones: 4-8 Native to North America: No Note: In some areas, this species of mulberry has shown invasive tendencies. Check local restrictions before planting it. Name: Cedrus atlantica ‘Glacua Pendula’ Size: To 20 feet tall and wide Growing Conditions: Full sun and well-drained soil; the plant is drought tolerant. Zones: 6-9 Native to North America: No

Learn more about cedars.

Name: Betula pendula ‘Youngii’ Size: To 25 feet tall and wide Growing Condition: Full sun or part shade and moist, well-drained soil; it does best in cool-summer climates. Zones: 2-7 Native to North America: No

Learn more about birches.

Name: Larix kaempferi ‘Diana’ Size: To 20 feet tall and wide Growing Conditions: Full sun or part shade and moist, well-drained soil Zones: 5-7 Native to North America: No

Learn more about larches.

Name: Sequoiadendron giganteum ‘Pendulum’ Size: To 50 feet tall and 20 feet wide Growing Conditions: Full sun or part shade and moist, well-drained soil Zones: 6-9 Native to North America: Yes Name: Malus ‘Louisa’ Size: To 15 feet tall and wide Growing Conditions: Full sun and moist, well-drained soil Zones: 4-8 Native to North America: No

Learn more about crabapples. Discover the best crabapple varieties for your yard.

Name: Picea abies ‘Pendula’ Size: To 15 feet tall and wide Growing Conditions: Full sun and moist, well-drained soil Zones: 3-7 Native to North America: No

Learn more about spruces.

Name: Pinus strobus ‘Pendula’ Size: To 20 feet tall and wide Growing Conditions: Full sun or part shade and moist, well-drained soil Zones: 3-8 Native to North America: Yes Name: Salix alba ‘Tristis’ Size: To 75 feet tall and wide Growing conditions: Full sun and moist to wet soil Zones: 4-8 Native to North America: No Note: Willows can be invasive in some areas; check local restrictions before planting them.

Learn more about willows.

Name: Snow Fountains weeping cherry (Prunus ‘Snofozam’) Size: To 15 feet tall and 8 feet wide Growing Conditions: Full sun and moist, well-drained soil Zones: 5-8 Native to North America: No Name: Acer palmatum ‘Red Dragon’ Size: To 10 feet tall and 12 feet wide; it’s a slow grower. Growing conditions: Full sun or part shade and moist, well-drained soil Zones: 6-8 Native to North America: No

Discover other beautiful Japanese maples.