Blue Marguerite Daisy Care Must-Knows

Blue marguerite daisy grows best in areas with dry, but cool and mild, summers, making it an excellent choice for many gardens in the Pacific Northwest and Northeast. In areas with frost-free winters, it grows as a shrubby perennial that blooms throughout the summer and fall. It’s grown as an annual in colder areas of North America, thriving in a sunny spot with at least 6 hours of direct sun per day. It usually starts to fade once temperatures regularly stay above 85 degrees F. If you live in an area with especially hot summers, you can extend the plant’s bloom season a little longer into the summer by giving it some afternoon shade. Like many plants native to South Africa, blue marguerite daisy does best in well-drained soil. Avoid planting it in soil that has a lot of heavy clay. If you’re in an area where the soil contains more than its fair share of clay, grow this plant in container gardens or raised beds where you can control the drainage better. If you have trouble finding blue marguerite available as transplants at the garden center, grow it from seed. Start it indoors about six weeks before the last expected frost. Acclimate it to life outdoors by giving it a spot in the shade before exposing it to full sun. Blue marguerite daisy doesn’t require pruning, though deadheading (removing old, faded flowers) will encourage it to produce more flowers. Take cuttings in fall, and root them in moist potting soil. Overwinter plants in a bright window, and replant in spring.

Blue Marguerite Daisy Companion Plants


Calibrachoa will trail over the edge of a container, while blue marguerite stands tall in the center of the pot. Choose a complementary or contrasting hue.


A perfect container pairing, dichondra and blue marguerite create a lush planting that keeps its stellar looks for months.

French Marigold

Complement the blue marguerite’s bright yellow center with a nearby planting of easy-to-grow marigolds.