Claret Cup Cactus Care

Plant cactus in full sun and sand or soil that is extremely well-drained—or risk root rot. Make sure the planting bed is well away from play areas in which spines could cause injury. In cool regions choose a planting spot next to a south or west facing wall, which will provide extra protection in winter. Claret cup cactus thrives in lean soil, so do not add compost to the planting hole. Plant each cactus carefully, spreading roots out over the soil and situating the plant so its base rests on top of the soil. Mulch plants with a ½- to 1-inch-thick layer of pea-size gravel around the base of the plant to protect it from soggy soil during the winter months. After planting claret cup, water it well. Then water it every 5 to 7 days for the first month or so after transplanting. Continue watering every 2 to 4 weeks during spring and summer if there has been no rain. Stop watering in early fall so plants can begin to dehydrate and prepare for winter. Keep claret cup dry all winter long. See how to grow desert plants on your property.

Plant Claret Cup Cactus With:

Most muhlygrasses are high on drama, offering their beautiful floral display to dryland gardens. They have a soft, airy appearance that is welcome among agaves and other rough-texture plants that permeate low-water gardens. Pine muhly, in particular, grows best in fast-draining soil that is low in nutrients – a sandy soil is perfect. Avoid heavy clay and wet locations.