1 ½ cup whipping cream ½ cup maple syrup 3 tablespoon cornstarch 5 egg yolks, lightly beaten 1 teaspoon vanilla 1 cup butter, softened

**Test Kitchen Tip:

The chemistry behind caramelizing sugar is complicated. If some of the sugar mixture is stirred up onto the sides of the pan, the water will evaporate and cause the sugar particles to crystallize. This sets off a chain reaction in the caramel that can leave you with a grainy mess. To prevent this, after stirring together the sugar and water, brush the sides of the pan with a pastry brush dipped in clean water, allowing the water to drip down the sides of the pan. This will wash any sugar crystals off the sides of the pan before you begin. Do not allow the pastry brush to touch the sugar mixture, as this could pull the sugar up onto the sides and defeat your efforts.