Kitchen-Friendly Herb

Cuban oregano bears a strong menthol or camphor scent that intensifies when the leaves are crushed, so use this powerful seasoning carefully. It is most often used in dishes that include poultry, lamb, beef, and stuffing. Cuban oregano can be used fresh or dried for cooking.

How to Care for Cuban Oregano

Cuban oregano grows well in part-shade areas like porches, patios, or courtyards that receive a few hours of morning light. Plant this drought-tolerant plant in well-drained soil and water occasionally. It grows well in containers alongside other part-shade plants like begonia, impatiens, fuchsia, and coleus. Cuban oregano blooms in late winter to mid-spring in tropical areas. Don’t expect to see blossoms in cool regions, where it’s grown only for a single season, like an annual. This perennial is frost-tender and must be protected when temperatures dip below 32˚F. In that case, move any potted plants inside and cover ground plants with a bedsheet or plastic sheet. Inside the house, Cuban oregano grows best in a bright, sunny window, but it will tolerate less light if needed. Water it about once a week and feed with an all-purpose fertilizer about once a month. This fast-growing plant will outgrow its container after a few months. Simply trim back the foliage by one-third, or repot it in a larger container.

Another Variety of Cuban Oregano

‘Well Sweep Wedgewood’ Cuban Oregano

This variety of Plectranthus amboinicus has pale green leaves with darker green margins. It does well in containers. Zones 9-11.