Hidden Assets

This woody vine’s flowers, which inspire interesting conversations because they resemble Dutch smoking pipes, stay hidden underneath a dense canopy of foliage. The mahogany-cream-color concealed flowers are fragrant and provide nectar for Pipevine Swallowtail butterflies (black with iridescent blue scaling). The vine’s dense, overlapping leaves offer an important food source for the caterpillars.

Dutchman’s Pipe Care Must-Knows

Dutchman’s pipe thrives in rich, moist, well-drained soil in full sun to part shade. Plant seeds outdoors as soon as the soil warms in spring. Site this fast-growing vine at the base of a sturdy climbing structure like a well-anchored trellis, a pergola, or even a chain-link fence. Dutchman’s pipe will ramble over, through, and around nearly any type of structure, making it an excellent plant for covering an unsightly view. Because it grows up to 6 feet a year and matures at about 30 feet long, Dutchman’s pipe benefits from annual pruning to keep it under control. Prune plants in early spring, removing weak or damaged stems at their base. Cut back excessively long stems by half or more to maintain the desired size.