WHAT YOU’LL NEED – Photos (Sepia-tone or black-and-white images work well. You can convert many photos to black-and-white or brown tones at do-it-yourself photo centers.) – Paper trimmer – Wood trim pieces (available in the trim section at home center stores) – Acrylic paints in desired colors – Paintbrush – Spray adhesive – Gold highlighting medium – Fine sandpaper – Tack cloth

  1. Trim the photos to fit your wood pieces.
  2. Paint each wood piece with one coat of acrylic paint in desired color. Let the paint dry.
  3. In a well-ventilated work area, spray the back of the photos with adhesive; mount onto the painted pieces of wood trim.
  4. Place a small amount of gold highlighting medium on your finger and rub it onto the wood until the desired highlight is achieved.
  5. Use fine sandpaper to sand edges and corners where the photo is attached to give it a subtle worn effect. Sand the raised areas on wood pieces. Wipe off the dust with a tack cloth.

Tips on Organizing Photos

Using a ruler and pencil, mark an opening on the front cover. Place the front cover on a cutting mat, and use a utility knife or craft knife and straightedge to cut on the drawn lines. On the first page, mark an opening slightly smaller than the opening on the cover. Gather several dozen more pages, place the cutting mat under the pages, and cut through all pages on the lines marked on the first page. On the next uncut page, mark an opening slightly smaller than the previously cut opening. Gather more pages, place a cutting mat under the pages, and cut on the marked lines. Use glue to adhere the front and back covers to the pages. With the book closed, brush decoupage glue around the edges of the cut pages. Cut a photo to the size of the smallest opening, brush crafts glue on the back and secure the photo in the opening.