See more of the best silver-leaf plants for your garden.

Heartleaf Brunnera Care Must-Knows

Heartleaf brunnera adds color and interest to the landscape with little effort—as long as you meet its needs in the beginning. Plant brunnera in a shady spot with organically rich, well-drained, evenly moist (but not soggy) soil. When grown in a cool, shady environment, brunnera can tolerate occasional droughts as long as it receives supplemental waterings during the extended ones. (Silver-leaf varieties handle heat and humidity better than specimens with leaves of other colors.) Promptly remove unsightly foliage and spent flower heads to maintain a plant’s good looks. Cut back badly damaged plants to encourage regrowth and improve their health overall. In ideal soil conditions, heartleaf brunnera will spread very slowly via underground rhizomes to create large clumps of plants—in a similar fashion to hosta. Brunnera’s tolerance to sun exposure varies depending on leaf type and color. Some varieties—such as the above-mentioned ‘Dawson’s White’—benefit from some morning sun that promotes colorful foliage and a greater number of flowers. Some silver and gold varieties lose a little luster in full shade, taking on more of a green appearance. In cooler climates some varieties (especially green ones) can thrive in full sun as long as they are well watered. Brunnera may struggle in regions with hot, humid summers. In other words, pay attention to the variety or cultivar, and site accordingly. Try our favorite spring-blooming woodland flowers in your landscaping.

New Innovations

Brunnera’s popularity has taken off with the introduction of silvered varieties like ‘Jack Frost’ that gleam in the shade and resist scorching in sunny locations. Plants in the pipeline include new compact varieties that look great in containers.

More Varieties Of Heartleaf Brunnera

Plant Heartleaf Brunnera With: