Cooking times for potatoes will vary based on the size of your potato pieces so keep an eye on them and check often with a fork. Use our timing guidelines to know how long to boil potatoes using any of three common appliances.

How to Boil Russet Potatoes on the Stove

The most common way to boil potatoes is on the stove in a pot of water. However, if you want more flavorful potatoes, consider boiling them in broth or a mixture of broth and water.

1. Prep Your Potatoes

Start by scrubbing the potatoes with a clean produce brush ($8, Bed Bath & Beyond) to remove any dirt, then rinse. If desired, peel (or partially peel) the potatoes with a vegetable peeler ($11, Target) or paring knife, cutting away from your hand. Remove any sprouts and any green areas with the tip of a potato peeler. There’s a lot of debate about whether you should peel potatoes before boiling them, but either way is okay. Leaving the peel on can help the potato hold on to some of the vitamins and nutrients found in the peel, but it really comes down to personal preference.

2. Cut into Smaller Pieces

Cut the potatoes into quarters or cubes to speed up cooking time. Leave small new potatoes whole, halving larger ones. No matter the size you cut the potatoes, keep pieces similar in size so they finish cooking at the same time. Test Kitchen Tip: If you’re doing your prep in advance and won’t be cooking for a while, submerge the cut potatoes in water and store in the refrigerator. Potatoes left out at room temperature and uncovered will brown. You can keep them in water up to 24 hours before you cook them.

3. Boil the Potatoes

Put cut up potatoes onto a large saucepan or Dutch oven ($80, Target). For three pounds of potatoes use a 4- to 5-quart pot. Add enough cold water to cover the tops of the potatoes. Add ½ to 1 teaspoon salt to the water. Turn the burner on high and bring water to boiling. Reduce the heat to medium-low or low. Cover the pot with a lid. Cook the potatoes in gently boiling water until tender, about 15 minutes for small red potatoes, new potatoes or cubed large russet potatoes, and 20 to 25 minutes for quartered potatoes. Remember the size of the potato pieces is a huge factor in how long it takes to boil potatoes. You can use a fork to test to see if they are tender enough. Your fork should easily slide through the potato when they’re properly cooked.

4. Drain Potatoes

Pour cooked potatoes into a colander or use a slotted spoon to remove large pieces of potato from the hot water and place them in a bowl. If your recipe calls for cooled potatoes, run them under cold water or submerge them in an ice bath to speed the cooling process. Test Kitchen Tip: You can boil potatoes ahead of time for use later as long as you cover and refrigerate them. They’ll last for up to three days in the fridge.

How to Boil Potatoes in the Microwave

If you want to boil potatoes quickly, try using your microwave. It’s a great solution for small batches of spuds.

How to Boil Potatoes in a Slow Cooker

For the ultimate in easy solutions, use your slow cooker to boil potatoes. It’s perfect for times when you want to be able to work on other dishes that require the stove. Your slow cooker doesn’t actually “boil” the liquid, but the effect is the same, and if you’re planning to use the cooked spuds for mashed potatoes, you can mash and even serve right from your slow cooker. Our Test Kitchen used a 4-quart slow cooker for 3 pounds of potatoes.

How to Serve Boiled Potatoes

There are tons of ways you can use cooked potatoes. Whip up a Classic Potato Salad for your next potluck or family grill out or try our popular Fried Smashed Potatoes, which is a rustic take on a mashed potato with the skins on. If mashed potatoes are your favorite, you can’t go wrong with our Classic Mashed Potatoes, but for something delicious and different, try our upscale potato recipes.

What Are the Best Potatoes for Boiling?

Because the starch content in potatoes differs from type to type, some are better for boiling than others depending on what you plan to make with them. The amount of starch in the potato can affect the texture, so use the right type of potato for the dish you’re making.

High-starch Potatoes: Potatoes such as the russet or Idaho, have a light, mealy texture. Once boiled, they are ideal for mashing. Medium-starch Potatoes: Varieties such as the Yellow Finn and Yukon Gold, contain more moisture so they don’t fall apart quite as easily as high-starch tubers. They work well for mashing, adding to soups or casseroles, and serving as a side dish. They can also be used for potato salad. Low-starch Potatoes: Potatoes such as the roundred, round white, and new potatoes, are often called waxy potatoes. They hold their shape better than other potatoes when boiled, making them perfect for potato salads or tossing with seasoned butter as a side dish.

Test Kitchen Tip: Many people like to substitute sweet potatoes for standard spuds in their favorite recipes. Learn the best way to boil sweet potatoes to make the swap.

How to Buy Good Potatoes & Keep Them from Rotting

One of the things that make potatoes such a popular food is that they are relatively inexpensive and available year-round. When you’re choosing potatoes at the store, look for clean ones with smooth, unblemished skins. They should be firm and have a shape that is typical for the variety. Avoid potatoes with green spots or ones that are soft, moldy, or shriveled. Store potatoes in a dark, cool, well-ventilated place for up to several weeks. Do not store them in the refrigerator.