How to Freeze Tofu

Yes, freezing tofu is an extra step you’ll need to plan for, but I promise it’s worth it. Since tofu is stored in water, ice crystals form, making porous, sponge-like holes in the block (see photo above). This allows for a chewier texture and the pockets can now absorb more flavor from your tofu marinade or seasonings added. There are a few different ways to freeze tofu, but here are the most popular methods:

Tofu freezing option 1: Simply put the entire unopened package of tofu in the freezer. It will take longer to thaw going this route, but I did it this way and found it to work really well.Tofu freezing option 2: Remove tofu and slice or cut into cubes, then freeze in an airtight container or freezer bag ($10, Target).

As you can see from the image above, the frozen tofu color is a bit more yellow. Don’t worry, this is totally normal, it’s just what happens when the soy protein freezes.

How to Thaw Tofu

OK, so you’ve got a block of frozen tofu—now what? The easiest way to thaw tofu is to let it hang out in the fridge. Put the container in a bowl or wrap it in a towel so you don’t have a puddle to clean up. If you need to quickly thaw frozen tofu, submerge it in hot water or defrost it in the microwave (as long as the package is microwave safe). Once the tofu is thawed, drain and press out the extra moisture before cooking in your favorite tofu dishes.

Cooking Frozen Tofu

Now that you’ve learned how to freeze tofu, you can marinate it, bake it, or fry it as usual. My first dish using frozen tofu was a super easy crispy tofu “stir-fry” (pictured above). After a quick run in the air fryer ($109, Walmart), the tofu beautifully absorbed the homemade sweet ginger-soy glaze. Seriously, it was a flavor bomb that was so much stronger than I’ve had from just pressing tofu before. And as for the texture? It was strikingly similar to chicken. Give freezing tofu a try and you’ll definitely be impressed by how much better your vegan dishes turn out.